8 days to go till the Big Game!! I'm gonna head up to my Brother's place Saturday night and then watch the game on Sunday. For once I'll actually be watching the game for the football rather than the commercials.
Snow is piling up here everyday, but today it was a little warmer. I hit the trainer for a few hours and then headed over to Dryer to do a little xc skiing. I really suck at the skiing part, but its fun and Lizzy loves to run around in the snow. She cracks me up as she will take off running and then come back towards me trying to get a little bite of the snow and instead just snowplows with her face, spraying the snow all over her head. It's pretty funny if you see it happen in person.
Right now I'm cooked.
Tomorrow looks like we are gonna pull out the bikes and hit Dryer for some fun in the snow and then switch over to the skis after a few hours. Should be a good time!
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Just putting in the hours
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Weekend Wrap
Finished up a decent weekend of training. Temps have dropped quite a bit lately and the snow is piling up. With that I was finally able to bust out the xc skiis for once. Never even took them out last year as it was too warm. Put in a few hours over at Dryer, it was quite peaceful and nice. Looks like there is a ton of damage there from the ice storm. I was bushwacking quite a bit as lots of frozen branches and trees are down. Sometimes it was quite crazy to get through a tough section of singletrack with the branches down and everything buried under the snow. It was definitely worth it though. Right afterwards I put a little over an hour on the trainer. My legs today are quite sore from the skiing. I packed in a few more hours on the trainer today.
Next week I'm throwing the skinnies on the paragon and gonna hit hit some of the rail-trails around here.
Looks like its time to go, the Bears game is on!! GO BEARS!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Came across that one on Youtube via Digg I have no idea what to even think.
http://www.rip.tv/ This site looks pretty kick ass! Videos and clips on mt. biking and some other "extreme" sports.
Hit the gym today; dropped in on a spin class. Will be the last time I drop in on that one. I had to leave after 30 minutes. I was suffering, bad. It was intolerable. It was goddam folk music and irish jig. WTF? Plus the instructor was just a bore. Up, down, up down. No change in tempo or excitement in his voice. I guess I'm just gonna bundle up and ride to the gym under my own music...
Uh ok, so who is gonna get the yellow jersey now?
Links fixed
I've fixed the links to the right for the guestbook and the forums. They was working on my computer but no one elses?? Also you don't need to go through the whole approval process to be a forum member you can just post as a "guest" if you want.
Looks like today will be a little bit warmer, but still gonna be stuck under this weather for a while. Guess I'll stick to watching some movies on the laptop while I hit the trainer. Seems to pass the time pretty quickly.
Cycleforhope Update: Check the comments in the post below! I'm rolling in the pledges! Keep up the support! As the date gets closer I'll put up a full post of all the supporters.
I'm all confused about this weekend. Seems a big ride is going down in the hollow; "psychocross" Tons of dirt road climbs and descents; a big ride we did last year in January that did in the majority of us. What's the hard part?; The Bears are playing in the NFC championship at 2pm!! Oh the humanity! How can I miss that? I'm not sure if there will be a next time, and no tivo for me, I wanna see it live baby! Guess I'll just have to put the hours in early...
Oh by the way; a work in progress is my Brother's wedding site: BubandBecky.com Check it out!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
The sky is falling
Awoke to an inch of ice on the car yesterday and steady rain all day; This morning there is some kinda white powdery stuff covering everything. Not sure what it is. Is they sky falling? Will have to analyze and report later. Forecast looks like gonna be indoors for a little while.
Attended 1st spin class of the season last night. Music sucked but was a good workout. Man, my legs are sooo not ready for any sprints yet. They seem to be super slow and suited for the slow speed of climbing. I hit the weights right afterwards and boy were the legs a little bit heavier than usual.
2nd night of 24, friggin love that show, keeps you right on the edge of your seat every episode. Curtis dies and a friggin nuke explodes, talk about dropping a bomb (no pun intended).
I actually hope we get a few inches of snow here. It would be nice to pull out the xc skis. I got them out once last year, but the ground wasn't even frozen.
BTW, did anyone watch football over the weekend? Thanks to Robbie Goulds magic foot, DA Bears are in the NFC Championship. I think Rex quieted all the critics with his performance. Now lets see them wipe the table with the Saints and move onto the Big Game!!
USA Cycling introduced the National Endurance Series what a crock that is. Thanks for an event in the Northeast or even within driving distance. I'm not sure if I even need to purchase a license this year!
Saturday, January 13, 2007
New Site Host/New Features
Lotsa cool new stuff up here on jasonhilimire.com. If you experienced a little weirdness the other night, my bad as I switched hosting companies.
A few new things: Guestbook and Message Boards Who knows what else I'll figure out.
Make sure you sign up for the guestbook at least when you visit!
Weather looks like its finally came and forced some trainer time. Will be hitting that here in a little bit.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
iPhone is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Apple iPhone is available via Cingular in June. See ya later Verizon
Gears of War is releasing new maps! Haven’t played too much online as I usually get my ass handed to me, but looks like I’m ready to throw my hat back in the ring. Plus this stuff is FREE, if anyone has xbox live you know that doesn’t happen very often if ever. Plus they are fixing glitches so cheaters can’t prosper.
White stuff; what is that? Wouldn’t you know it, it actually got cold enough last night for a snowflake or two to appear. Didn’t get any accumulation at all, but I think I heard the rumblings of a few thousand snowmobiles starting up only to realize its 40 or so and sunny out this morning….
Bears vs Seahawks!! Hopefully we’ll see a repeat of earlier this season where the bears thumped em! I’ll most likely miss the entire game as I’m a good boy and will be out training. Maybe I can catch some updates via the cellphone! At least maybe watch the recap via iTunes
I'm so friggin excited about the iPhone. June is a long ways off better start hording those pennies as they dont seem cheap (499 and 599)
Monday, January 08, 2007
Florida is killing OSU right now...
Was able to put in a nice group road ride yesterday. The likes of Mark, Suzanne, Casey, Val, Hanggi and Dave joined up for a little galavanting around Keuka lake. Still lucking out with the great weather and still packing in the hours on the road bike. Happy to see that my form is progressing right on track. I was going to try to get some pics from my phone but I had on thick gloves and didn't want to drop the friggin thing as I was riding around, so nothing to feast your eyes upon. It was a nice group ride, some good pacing and good work put in by us all. I'm pretty psyched to have a good group of people to ride with every weekend.
Back in the gym today for the 1st Muscular Endurance workout. I'm feeling pretty good and fresh still and thinking about throwing my hat in the National Endurance Racing Series (100 milers). I've already got 2 in my calendar and thinking of adding 2 more to meet the requirements and see where I stack up.
Man just found out about Podrunner some crazy mixes of techno beats that are perfect for riding. I was warming up at the gym listening to the latest and had to keep myself in check as I was actually going to hard.
This is pretty cool what I found . Take a look see here at what's in my iTunes and check out my playcounts (although not totally accurate as I lost playcounts when I got a new computer last year, but have had iTunes since ver 1)
EDIT: You can click on the songs and it will automatically take you to the iTunes store!
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Macworld (not about biking :)
Alright; I'm a mac fanboy. I love my ibook, my ipods, itunes, basically everything apple. While I work on a dell all day long, windoze just doesn't cut it. It's just over complicated and ugly. But enough bashing, what I'm excited about is Macworld. Every January Apple has a nice little speech and releases a new cool product (think iPod, iMac, Intel chips, etc).
My hope is that they release the "iPhone", though it won't be called that as its trademarked by samsung. But to have a kick ass phone that syncs easy with the mac and has an iPod built in!! That would be the cat's ass!! I'm sure if it is released it will be as easy to use and as nice as the iPod.
Please, please release it. It's gonna be a little while before I can get a macbook pro, so I need a new toy!
Weather meanwhile is still kick ass around these parts and we should be looking to put in a good ride tomorrow...
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
New Beginnings
Well finally the Holidaze are over. Man it seems like this past week was hell. I barely got any training in, but worked it in to be a rest week as I knew it was gonna happen. Christmas was good, but glad its done and over with. New Years was a blast, and the whole reason that I had a rough week was because we were working on getting our place ready for our New Years Party.
The party was a blast, the crew from the hollow came up along with a bunch of Erin's friends and her family. Needless to say we shot alot of darts, and drank alot of beer. I think I went to bed sometime around 4am (and awoke at 5pm the next day!)? I maybe played some xbox with casey, but can't really remember but did see the controllers out. I was pretty tuned up for the party. Thankfully its all out of my system now and time to get some real focus in for this season. Weather is still holding out great and will be in the 50's the next few days so some Dryer rd action and some good long rides on the weekends are about to go down.
I was back in the gym tonight, feeling good and the ride to/from under the full moon was incredible. If it wasn't for my ravaging hunger pangs I might have stayed out and grabbed some more time, but I didnt have any food on me. Probably could've grabbed something quick and then went back out, but the smell of vegetarian chili and some fresh bread kept me inside...
Listening to ''Wolf Like Me'', by TV On The Radio