Friday, November 30, 2007

Loving your bike a little too much?

Bike sex case sparks privacy debate. Yes, as in sex with a bike (NSFW) - AutoblogGreen: "Robert Stewart was having sex with a bike in his locked hostel room. Robert said he was drunk and his actions misunderstood but when cleaners knocked and there was no response, they opened the door with a key and saw Robert having sex with a bike. The cleaners called the police, Robert got three years probation and is on the sex offenders list. The BBC website says their report on the story has over a million views and there is a legal debate.

John Scott, human rights expert says 'the man involved in this case pleaded guilty to a breach of the peace so these issues of privacy weren't considered by the court. ... This case should not prevent people who want to engage in this sort of activity doing so.' So, it's still legal to have sex with your bike in the privacy of a room. Just make sure to do it in a locked room, where the locks have no duplicate keys and you are able to hear a knock. "

(Via Digg.)

Hmm. I enjoy riding my bike, but in a different way than this guy!

Ya, I've been neglecting my blog lately. What can I say, the weather is crappy and I'm feeling like crawling under the covers and doing pretty much nothing. I'm also back to single again. I know in the long run this is the right choice, but right now; in a way, I wish I could have back what I had. It's my fault though, so I'll accept the blame. I think everyone fears change in some kind of way and perhaps that's why I'm still holding on. With time I'll be ready to move forward, right now though I'll be focusing my energy on myself and improving me.

Currently playing in iTunes: True Love Way by Kings Of Leon

Thursday, November 08, 2007

My brother's wife is expecting!!!

Huge news on the home-front. I'm gonna be an Uncle soon!!! My brother and his wife Becky are expecting. They just received the official confirmation from the doc yesterday. So far she is about 5-6 weeks along and is due sometime in early July. This is awesome!! I'm so happy for them. Do you think it's to early to go get the kid a bike? Gotta get 'it' (I refer to babies as it until they can speak) ready and prepped for the big show!! I'm thinking 'it' is gonna have the chance to get an early jump start on everyone else...

On the flipside, I just picked myself up a shiny new macbook. It's pretty slick. Loving having the ability to run XP right alongside Leopard (Vista just plain sucks, so no chance of running that). So far Leopard is pretty slick, but I need to get some more RAM for it to really purr. Took me a few days to get all my info in here all proper, but I'm psyched.

Riding/Training wise; yah been slacking but it's due time. Gonna go get me a gym membership and get started on the whole adaptation process of the weights. Probably gonna have to dust off the trainer and get that setup and working.

~Uncle Jason
(Like the ring to that :)