Remember my post from a few days ago? Well I can officially reveal the big news!!

Myself, along with Mark Hartman and his wife Suzanne, are now part of the Gary Fisher 29er Crew!!!
Super pumped to be rocking a Fisher 29er again for the 2008 season!! Which bike will I be pimping?? Right now I'm leaning towards a Superfly, but could be swayed to roll on a Hi-Fi, time (and availability) will tell.

I did manage to get out yesterday for a quick road ride. I put in just over an hour during my lunch break. Quick but intense ride with some short but hard Vo2 max efforts. I can tell I worked hard the past few days, because I'm eating everything in sight. Of course, I'll use today as a rest day and it's 45 or so out, but I'd rather be cold and dry then wet and slightly warm anytime.
Currently playing in iTunes: Return The Favour by The Hives