(EDIT: this is a carbon copy of my blog entry on the 29er Crew)
I think the quote from the movie Cars, "I am speed!" is befitting now that I've got my Superfly in hand!! At least that's what comes to mind when I look at it.
I spent the better part of yesterday at the Geneva Bicycle Center playing hookie from work and installing my ergomo pro into the paragon, and doing some swapping on the Superfly.

I'm totally jacked to be rocking such a bike for this season. I haven't yet ridden it, but I can just tell it's gonna be fast, and we are gonna have some good times together. I can't wait to ride er'. My guess is it'll be out in Cali for Sea Otter when she gets broken in.

Naturally, I had to go with the Pink Bonty Cage. I didn't want to be kicked out of the CPBC (Coalition of Pink Bottle Cages). Fellow CPBCers and 29er crew members;Mark and Suzanne Hartman will be out there sporting the pink this season also. Suzanne's HiFi is even pimped out with some super-sweet pink brakes! I'm sure you will be reading some similar posts from us as we ride and train together often.
It was also nice to get my ergomo back. It's been a while since I've had some power data to work with. I used the ergomo on my supercaliber all of last season and found the data invaluable for training and racing. I did run power on my roadie, but now that I'm using the paragon for paved and un-paved adventures; the power numbers will be nice to look at. Below is my ride from yesterday, short and moderate paced. I gave it some gas on a few hills to check some numbers, and things are looking good for this season

Yellow is power, orange is elevation (30 second smoothing)
Back to work, looks like this will be a good weekend for riding. More posts and pics to come....
Currently playing in iTunes: All In It by British Sea Power
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