Monday, June 30, 2008

Singlespeed to Superfly

I headed down to Hollister-Spencer on Saturday to burn some laps on the singlespeed. Conditions were typical Spencer. Muddy in sections, but fully rideable. I felt a little sluggish on the SS. I went out and did a road crusher Friday after work and was still feeling the effects of that. As a result, I only spent an hour on the trail as I was having a hard time and struggling just to turn over the 33x19

100_1311.JPGMy prize for the 24 hour Victory

100_1308.JPGSweet Singletrack at Holister-Spencer

100_1315.JPGLizzy Enjoys the Run

At least I got lizzy out and she enjoyed the the run and subsequent puddle baths that she could find.

Naples Solo Session

Yesterday I headed down to Naples on the Superfly. After running a rigid steel singlespeed for a week, the Superfly felt like a cushy dual suspension. I ripped it climbing up Stid hill and trailed the tower Drop. (I need a helmet cam to capture how cool that descent really is).

After that I climbed the road up to OCP. I took a nice little lunch break, then dropped the Finger Lakes Trail. I railed the descent again, and climbed up to Cutler where the 24 hour race was a few weekends ago.

100_1319.JPGWorked up a good sweat climbing up to OCP

100_1321.JPGDry, Fun, tech awaits

100_1322.JPGThe Pallets sections (yup I cleaned it)

Cutler and pretty much all of the trails all day were in awesome shape. The rainstorms hadn't hit yet (it poured later in the evening). I had a blast and cleared my head and readied myself for the upcoming month of hard training.

100_1326.JPGView from the Orange Trail in Cutler

100_1327.JPGThis downhill looks 19x familiar

100_1329.JPGLooking back at Cutler (what I just came down)

After ripping down the road to the backside of Bristol, I chugged along up one of the tougher climbs around. Gnarly, rocky slate greets you after the first 1/4 mile of off camber, ultra-steep, 1 line climbing. The climb seems to go up and up forever, but nonetheless it's one of my favs.

100_1330.JPGClimbing the backside of Bristol Mt

100_1336.JPGAbout halfway up...

100_1338.JPGStill Climbing

100_1339.JPGThis looks like the top

Once at the top I hit the road and down to the snowmobile trail. A nasty wide open fire-road descent. Lots of shale, incredibly steep and fast swoopy corners. A little too much speed here = instant cheese grater style crash. I managed to make it all out safe. Had a blast and felt great.

After that I headed up and visited my nephew at the hospital. Little buddy is doing awesome!

Currently playing in iTunes: Back to Your Heart by Dinosaur Jr

Friday, June 27, 2008

I'm an Uncle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This past wednesday evening my brother's son; Peyton Thomas Hilimire was born!! I couldn't be prouder!

Unfortunately there were some complications. Peyton was born with a mild case of Spina Bifida. He was rushed to Syracuse hospital where he underwent surgery yesterday afternoon. I spent the entire day there with my brother and family.

The doctors are very optimistic and surgery went very well. It appears there is no neurological damage. He's been kicking his legs and has bladder and bowel functions. He is a little fighter!

I'm asking everyone to devote their thoughts to him for a full and speedy recovery.


Peyton Tells us all what he thinks of us!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Finger Lakes Times Article

Finger Lakes Times Online - Sports: "Plenty of pain and plenty of gain"

I was lucky enough to get my recent win at the Hardcore 24 written up in the local paper. I thought I'd share the article.

(Via Finger Lakes Times.)

Monday, June 23, 2008

Solid Week off

No riding, no racing, no training. This past week was my mid-season refresher. I caught up on a few things, had some barbeques, slept alot and ate anything I felt like.

Tonight is my return to the grindstone. Some tough weeks ahead as I look forward to the 6HOP and then onto my next 24 hour effort. I'm undecided between Hot August Nights in Canada, and 24 hours of Great Glen. I'm sure a group is going to Canada, so that may be where I end up.

On the horizon is this...... Just depends if I can raise the fundage.

I'm going to put the raleigh XXIX to the test tonight as I'm going to run it at glenwood with the GBC for the monday mountains. Should be interesting and fun. I've done singlespeed before, but never rigid. Could be the turning over of a new leaf, maybe I'll race it a few times if things turn out well.

Currently playing in iTunes: Altered Beast by We Are Scientists

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Hardcore 24: Long Version

The Hardcore 24 was this past weekend. I raced the solo category for my 4th SOLO 24 hour event. I finished 2nd overall at the even 2 years ago with 16 laps and last year had turned in 9 laps before the race was called. My goal this time out was to turn in 20 laps and keep consistent.

The first few laps, my energy was good and strong. Even with the poor weather and amounts of rain, I was still motivated and ready to race. I ran consistent and actually geared down on the climbs so I wouldn't exert a tremendous amount of energy early. I kept myself in check even though, I really did want to race like it was a 6 hour event. I turned a good first lap, and was the first solo to cross the line and one of the top 5? riders. I grabbed my first feed and kept on moving. I banged out the next few laps and early on was hesitating to take a feed at the midway point of the course. I was using sustained energy and my bottle still had plenty, but after a few laps I wasn't making it to the end of the lap and started grabbing feeds swinging through the pits.

turning and burning
Turning and Burning

After I finished my 6th lap, I came into the pits for a short break. I ate a delicious turkey and mayo sandwich, grabbed some advil, got the drivetrain cleaned and headed out after a few minutes of my feet and the saddle. It was somewhere around this point that 2nd place had closed the gap on me. I saw him in a few spots and pushed it in the singletrack, but eventually he managed to get a gap and get away from me. After running a few solid night laps, I had pulled him back in and eventually passed him. My plan at 10 laps in (10:30pm) was to take a solid rest, change into some dry clothing and give the bike a good overhaul. The muddy conditions were taking it's toll on the bike and a fresh set of clothes and the iPod were what I was looking forward to. I managed to break my front brake lever when I hit a tree a few laps prior. It was functioning, but needed a few zip ties to hold it together properly. A cleaning of the bike made a huge difference in the shifting and dry clothes never felt better. Another turkey and mayo sandwich and I was back out on the the course.

Time for some more Coke!
Grabbing a feed at the midway point

I was feeling great, I swapped to coke and water for my feeds. Was eating gels and clif bloks and my energy levels were up. I buried myself for a bit as I had been overtaken during my long break. I ran a bunch of consistent laps and held strong all through the night. I pulled back into 1st and was keeping tabs on my time checks. Sometime around 4am, I pulled into the pits to take a quick 5 min break, get the bike cleaned and eat another turkey sandwich. I emerged feeling great and still had a decent gap on 2nd.

Dawn brought newfound energy and resilience. I was motivated and hungry at this point. I still was feeling great and working hard. I was getting consistent time checks at the midway and end of each laps. I was putting almost 10 minutes per lap into 2nd. My pace was holding up and I wasn't losing time. Adrenaline was flowing and I was feeling great. Around 10am, I was up somewhere around the 40 minute range and disaster struck. Horrible pains in the tendons behind my left knee. Top of my calf and lower quad, were burning. I was babying my left leg and having trouble putting power down on the climbs. I gritted my teeth, pushing my bike up each steep climb and trying to make the time up on the descents.

hardcore24 power trip
Consistency is key, while hr was dropping each lap, my power levels pretty much remained the same. I averaged 1:07 per lap!

Hoping my time gap would stick and I could grind it out till the end. I crossed the line and headed out for my 19th lap, knowing I could finish it, but could I finish a 20th and could I 'race' for position? My gap was still in the mid 40's at the start of the lap. Suzanne actually caught and passed me, knowing I was in pain, hoping it wasn't going to be a "24 Solo" incident. I focused everything I had on finishing that 19th lap, and when I came through the halfway point, 2nd placed had conceded and was no longer on course. Man, was I exalted at that point. I lagged up the long climb and walked a few portions of the trail to ease the pain in my leg, but slammed it on the descent and back to the finish line. I checked to make sure I didn't need to go out for another and headed to the pits, only had to wait an hour and I could cross the line 1 final time for victory!!!

Victory!! My eyes are closed because I had been sleeping the last 30 min

Post-Race Chatting it up
Post race chatting it up with 2nd (white on the right)

Good pick of the jersey at least!
Ma works the zoom a little too much on the podium

I had an excellent pit crew to help me out. My mother was there for every need for all 24 hours, at every lap and midway point when we swung through the pits. Jeremy (camp manager) took care of setting up the camp on Friday and taking care of my bike along with Dave the mother-f'in man. Special thanks also to Wendy, Val, Doyle and everyone else that was there and helped out.

Ma took care of all my needs

Ma hands off another feed as I ready for another lap

Also a Huge thanks to my sponsors! Gary Fisher for making the best and fastest bike ever, the Superfly. Who says you can't race a hardtail at a 24 hour race? The Geneva Bicycle Center, taking care of my bike maintenance and accessory needs. EJ at for pimping me some fat 29er Crew Custom Crankskins. Jeff at Ergon Grips for Keeping my hands comfy the whole race. Also thanks to Ay-Up Lighting for making some bright and lightweight lights, making it easy to see at night and not having to worry about carrying any extra weight. And a big thanks to Park Ave Bikes for putting on the race!

Huge Congrats also to Mark and Suzanne Hartman of the 29er Crew for not only taking the mixed doubles win, but the doubles overall!!! Also Congrats to Casey Conte and Matt Hanggi for taking the doubles win and 2nd doubles overall!!

Hosed after the race
Hosed after the Race

Enjoying my reward!
I won a nice 29er rigid Singlespeed!!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Hardcore 24 short

Rained from start till about 2am

19 laps, 154 miles, 27,000ft of climbing, 2 broken brake levers, 1st place SOLO Overall.

Full Writeup and pics sometime today when I have a little bit of energy

Monday, June 09, 2008

Plattekill(ed) me

This weekend was stop #2 for the NYSERS 6 hour series at Plattekill Mt.. While Platty is traditionally a downhill mecca, they have a great capability to put on a few xc races per season.

The 6 hour course would be a true return to the roots of Plattekill racing. No more taking the easy way out and riding the lift up to do the loop. This time we'd be riding the 1300' ft plus of climbing all the way up, but that also meant coming back down.

Temps were unusually high for early June (mid 90's, heavy sun and high humidity) as it was throughout most of the US this weekend. That meant hydration and staying cool would be the key to the race. It would indeed be tough to do both as the opening climb was a mile in length with hardly any shade, only to tuck you into another .5 mile of singletrack climbing.

My race started off great, the run was a little weird as it was only about 100 ft to get the bike. I didn't jump hard right away as we had a long climb and I slowly paced myself to the front of the group. I was chasing down a singlespeeder and caught him about 1/3rd of the way up the climb. I chugged on feeling great and into the singletrack where I had a few minutes lead. Once into the rocky and technical singletrack, the Superfly matched with the Bonty Dry X's were rolling along awesomely.

In the singletrack I kept humming along and really pushed it out in the more open sections of the course to expand upon my lead.

The descent was super fast and super fun. Having been spending lots of time in Naples recently, means I've been doing alot of descending. As such my high speed descending skills are getting really strong. With the descent switching from dry loose rock to grassy and wet in a few sections, it was important to be on top of your game.

I rolled through the 1st lap still holding my lead and stopped in the pits for a cold bottle and also grabbed a "mini" disposable bottle to dump on my head and keep me cool on the climb. It worked and I flew up the climb and turned in another fast lap only about a minute or 2 slower. However the sub 50 minute laps and the heat and humidity were catching up. At the start of lap 3 I grabbed a fresh bottle and 2 more disposable waters. I ended up drinking both waters on the way up the climb and slamming the bottle at the top of the course. I was feeling great and my lead was still holding on strong. I even managed to pass a group of downhillers on the main descent (the course used the beginner DH course, and the mt. was open in other areas, but a few poached the trail). I think my speed in the lycra and on hardtail suprised them a little bit as they were in full gear.

By the time I started my 4th lap, I had to grab 2 bottles of drink, plus 2 disposable bottles of water. The heat and baking in the sun were really adding up. My lead was holding steady and according to the checkpoints at the top, may have even been getting bigger. Slamming down the final descent, I tore a hole in the rear. I tried to shake it out and let the sealant do the work. It started to hold so I threw a co2 in and that ended up blowing the sealant out. It managed to catch again and I thought I would be ok, started riding and tire went flat again. I added another c02 thinking I could get it to hold as I was only about .5 mile from the bottom where I had spare wheels. I put the 2nd co2 in and managed to get just a short bit farther on the course and was forced to pull out the tube and start hand-pumping. Up until this point I was still holding my lead (~10 minutes), but as I was pumping the tire, which seemed like it took all of eternity to just get a little air in there, I got passed by a few riders.

With frustration, I remounted and was trying to regain my top spot. I managed to climb about 3/4 the way up the mt. and just wasn't shaking the heat. I actually started to get a chill. With the stopping to fix the flat and jumping up the climb I forgot to drink. With that I decided that I was happy with my fitness and what I had accomplished and decided to pull the plug and head home.

I did have good reason to get home, my sister was having her going away party as she leaves for New York City this weekend. I'm not disappointed that I dnf'd. It happens, it's part of racing. For sure I was a little bummed when I first dropped out, but looking back I had a good race and you can't make a big fuss over things you can't control.

My form is really coming along and temps should settle a little bit this weekend. I'm super-excited to be racing the Hardcore 24 Solo this weekend coming up. Home course, baby!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

More time in Naples

Naples, NY is just too much fun to stay away from. Trails are about 45 minutes away give or take and offer multiple routes, incredible scenery, lung searing climbs and bike busting descents. With the trail building going on at Ontario County Park (check the map for the gory details), the trail network in the area is getting even better.

Last night, I headed for another go with Matt Hanggi down in Naples.

OCP OverlookYup, we climbed up to the top of that overlook and we are heading down into that valley!

The plan was to get down, do a few sections, grab the lights and do a little bit more. I've been doing a ton of riding lately and getting a little dis-satisfied with the constant intake of gels, liquid supplements, bars, etc. Last night I decided to go a whole different route:

Riding fuelThe dawn of a new age in riding nutrition

We managed to pull of a nice little ride. Stats: 3:15, 52k, 1350m of climbing.

6408naplesFirst 10k was a nice little road climb to the trail head

Right of the bat we hit a nice little 10k climb. I noticed I was feeling quite good and decided to test myself a little bit. I climbed about as well as I could. I wasn't ever really suffering and I toiled along on the flats not pushing it as hard as I could've. After a bit I realized I was on pace to set a new PR, so I started grinding away the last 2-3k to set a better time. I managed to climb it in 29:30, a good record, the usual 'decent' time to climb the hill is around 40 minutes. A far cry from my PR on the road (23:30), but I'll take it for sure.

At the top we dove into OCP where Hanggi has been spending plenty of time, marking manicuring and ensuring the existence of the trail network. Got to ride a few new sections. It seems every time I head to Naples, I'm treated with a new trail. Kinda like Edmund's turkish delight heading down there. Can't ever seem to get enough.

Superfast SuperflySuperfly is rocking and rolling as usual

After the awesomely fun OCP descent, we headed over to Cutler to ride the Orange Trail. It's a main staple on the Hardcore 24 course coming up next weekend. I've ridden and raced the trail numerous times and it never disappoints. Besides I'll need to know it inside and out as I'll be half asleep riding it here in a few weeks. We were greeted by the Wednesday night Crew at the parking lot for Cutler. 20 or so fellas, out escaping from the wives, riding and sharing a few brews. We chatted and hung for a bit, but the lights were at the car and dusk was approaching fast. It's nice to see a large group of riders like that out and having fun.

After a brief pit stop at the car to mount the lights, we headed up the Parish road Carriage Trail climb. I was still feeling pretty good so I was able to gave it a little bit of gas there as well. At the top we jumped into the Hi-Tor section and had fun negotiating the slick roots and rocks from the short and light rain that we had just ridden through. It's always fun to work on the tech skills, even more fun at night!

Luckily we emerged from Hi-Tor unscathed and were ready for the finale, the DEC descent. Blasting down the descent at night is a little hairy. High speeds, singletrack on the edge of a ravine, shale rock gardens and some good drops keep you on your edge. The first section, I might as well have closed my eyes. Hitting the shale river bed, my light was bouncing around and creating all kinds of funky tricks on the eyes. I just pointed the Superfly straight and kept moving forward. Ate up the trail with ease.

I'm feeling great and ready for this weekend's Plattekill 6 hour race. round #2 of the NYSERS.

Currently playing in iTunes: Step Right Up by Black Lips

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Picture captures deadly bike crash in Matamoros, Mexico | The Daily Telegraph

Picture captures deadly bike crash in Matamoros, Mexico | The Daily Telegraph: "THIS horrifying picture shows the moment a US man apparently drunk and asleep ploughed into cyclists on a bike race - killing one and injuring at least 10 others."


Wow, this is just insane!

(Via Daily Telegraph.)