I headed down to Hollister-Spencer on Saturday to burn some laps on the singlespeed. Conditions were typical Spencer. Muddy in sections, but fully rideable. I felt a little sluggish on the SS. I went out and did a road crusher Friday after work and was still feeling the effects of that. As a result, I only spent an hour on the trail as I was having a hard time and struggling just to turn over the 33x19My prize for the 24 hour Victory
Sweet Singletrack at Holister-Spencer
Lizzy Enjoys the Run
At least I got lizzy out and she enjoyed the the run and subsequent puddle baths that she could find.
Naples Solo Session
Yesterday I headed down to Naples on the Superfly. After running a rigid steel singlespeed for a week, the Superfly felt like a cushy dual suspension. I ripped it climbing up Stid hill and trailed the tower Drop. (I need a helmet cam to capture how cool that descent really is).
After that I climbed the road up to OCP. I took a nice little lunch break, then dropped the Finger Lakes Trail. I railed the descent again, and climbed up to Cutler where the 24 hour race was a few weekends ago.
Cutler and pretty much all of the trails all day were in awesome shape. The rainstorms hadn't hit yet (it poured later in the evening). I had a blast and cleared my head and readied myself for the upcoming month of hard training.
After ripping down the road to the backside of Bristol, I chugged along up one of the tougher climbs around. Gnarly, rocky slate greets you after the first 1/4 mile of off camber, ultra-steep, 1 line climbing. The climb seems to go up and up forever, but nonetheless it's one of my favs.
Once at the top I hit the road and down to the snowmobile trail. A nasty wide open fire-road descent. Lots of shale, incredibly steep and fast swoopy corners. A little too much speed here = instant cheese grater style crash. I managed to make it all out safe. Had a blast and felt great.
After that I headed up and visited my nephew at the hospital. Little buddy is doing awesome!
Currently playing in iTunes: Back to Your Heart by Dinosaur Jr
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