If you're reading this from a feed reader or google blogger, I've redone my website at jasonhilimire.com. All the old entries are still available, but I ask you to point your browser to jasonhilimire.com as I'm now using wordpress for hosting.
For those who subscribe in feed readers here is the new url http://jasonhilimire.com/?feed=rss2
The blogger site, will sit for a bit then hopefully just point to jasonhilimire.com
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Site Revamp
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Feeling like crap
Not sure what's going on, but seem to have come down with some kind of cold. Perhaps this weekend was a bit too much volume for me? I felt fine on Monday and even fine yesterday, however, this morning I awoke with some tightness in my chest and a little head congestion. I wasn't feeling 100%, so I decided to sleep in a few extra hours. I still have my little cough, perhaps something was there all along and yesterday's short little ride weakened my immune system just enough for it to unleash all holy hell on myself. Hopefully it'll go away...
Yesterday's ride was short trip over to explore Bear Creek Park, found a few new trails that I had just been skipping past on my way to Green Mt. My legs felt ok as I rolled out the door and I, did 2 loops around the lake next door, fairly easy so Lizzy girl could run a bit. She was pretty excited, and took off, I actually had to ride a good clip to keep up with her. After her 2 laps, I headed over to Bear Creek and explored. My legs felt like crap. I ended up with an hour of ride time and it was nice to get outside for the day.
Hopefully, a few days off will allow me to get out for another good weekend of riding in the mountains again. After this weekend, I plan on taking a solid week or so off from the bike, regenerating some CNS credits and getting ready to kick-start the 2009 training season.
Bridget is coming out here this coming monday, cannot wait to see her!! It's gonna be pretty exciting time!
Posted by
Jason Hilimire
3:23 PM
Labels: Colorado, mountain biking, News, Personal, training
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Big Weekend
I'm retired to the couch for the rest of tonight. It's been a big weekend of some great riding(for the end of the season anyways). I'm hosed currently, but I'm at least not coughing anymore!
Saturday, I finally finished my first cross race!! I'll happily take my place as the last finisher (at least I didn't get lapped). Last time I finished dead last was the first road race I ever finished. 2 years later, I was a Cat II. So I'll take it as lessoned learned. I rode all the way down to the course as it was just south of c-470. It was a good 45 minute ride down, and then I got in a good 30 minute warm-up. I put on a great show rolling to the set of barriers near the beach. My left foot never unclipped, and I barrel rolled right into the barrier and went down pretty hard. It was a nice display of form for all the fans, that were congregated in the area. After I dusted myself off, I was dusted in the race, but grunted it out and rode hard. The course was more mt. bike-ish with lots of singletrack, some fire-road, a paved bike path and some barriers thrown in for good measure. It was a super fast course. After the race, I rode back home. Within 10 minutes all the food I had brought was scarfed down. It didn't make much of a difference. I was bonking hard on the ride home, as I slogged up a little rise, I located a gas station and filled my stomach full of hostess orange cup-cake goodness and a snickers bar. Man, did it ever hit the spot. Within a few minutes I was back at it and hammered home. All said and done, I managed a good solid 4 hours of riding!
Today, I was up early and decided to grab the road bike and head up into the mountains. It was an awesomely beautiful day, warm and sunshine. I headed up to Evergreen, then decided to switch my route and head up towards Mt. Evans. Didn't make it to Mt. Evans, but made it up to around 10-11,000 feet or so before I decided to turn around.
Elk Meadows From Evergreen to Squaw Pass |
Getting Colder as I get Higher From Evergreen to Squaw Pass |
I climbed pretty much for 2+ hours till I decided to turn around, I was getting chilly just climbing as it was mostly in the shade. The views were just incredible, and the roads were lightly traveled and super twisty and fun.
Beautiful Views From Evergreen to Squaw Pass |
The Rockies From Evergreen to Squaw Pass |
There's a bunch more pics so click thru to view the album
The descent down was incredibly fun. However, I didn't expect to head that high up and was only wearing a vest and arm-warmers. Descending at 60kph and 25 degrees in the shade meant instant brain freeze. I had to stop a few times in the sun, take a few minutes to warm myself back up. I made it to Evergreen, teeth chattering and hands numb and hit up Starbucks for a coffee to warm-up. Once the blood was flowing again, I floored it the final 11 miles down to Morrison. It was an awesomely windy descent, mostly in the sun and the lower I went, the warmer things were, which made me happy!
All said and done, I managed another good 4 hours. It was a heavy front loaded ride as I hit 1800kj in the first 2.5 hours and only 400 in the last 1:30!
Posted by
Jason Hilimire
9:03 PM
Labels: bub, Colorado, cross, epic rides, Personal, photos, Racing, training
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Potential Cross Training?
Yesterday made my way over to the FasCat Headquarters for the usual. Day to day stuff includes reviewing power files, answering emails, phone calls, and questions that come up. Yesterday, though was bit different, decided to earn some xtra coin and rake the lawn at the headquarters. I forgot how hard manual labor was. The leaves seemed to be never ending, and somehow I never managed to jump in a single pile. That was probably due to me being taxed from the effort. I figured this morning I'd wake up and my arms and back would be sore. Nope, my hamstrings are killing me! Must be from using my lead foot top pull the rake towards me. Guess, I need to expand my range of day to day activities so crap like this doesn't sneak up on me. Who knows, may be a good way to get some potential cross training in during the offseason.
After the leaves were all bagged up and ready, I headed home and saddled up for some openers. Went across the street here to Bear Creek Park, hit some buff singletrack, dirt roads and few sections of pavement. Railed out a few good efforts and feeling good. Except when I was heading into the wind, dang the wind was brutal yesterday. Luckily seems to have faded today. Temps are comfortable and a light wind should make for a good day of cross racing down at Chatfield. Gonna take the 470 path down to the course and ride back, should get a good warm-up and cool-down afterwards. Hopefully, I'll finish this race! Cross season has been brutal for me, but it will pay off in the end.
Tomorrow pending weather, I'm debating between a good 5 hour road grind in the mts or pulling out the superfly and hitting the dirt for same hours. I'd like to hit the road, as I really haven't been out and exploring yet.
Currently playing in iTunes: Everything's Magic by Angels & Airwaves
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Cross Practice
Yesterday was good hard day of Cross Practice in Boulder. Up early to make the drive up and to be there by 8am. At least waking up in the morning, there was a great reason to smile. I'm proud to be a believer.
But enough of that, wed was a tough hard day. My sinuses finally cooled their jets early tues night so I was set for the ride. I'm not sure what the name of the first park was, but it had a decent hill and some good climbs up and down it. I worked on my accelerations out of the corners, each time and was holding my own. I felt pretty good for the early morning lactic acid bath. From there we took a good ride over to E. Boulder park. En Route, I was hacking up a lung again. I did have my inhaler along with me and was able to use that to help keep it down, but it wasn't working that great. I sat out for the re-con lap then jumped in for the real deal. My legs didn't feel like much at this point, but at least the riding stopped me from coughing. Afterwards a small group of us put in some x-time rolling around some open space in South Boulder.
I've realized that I haven't been taking my singulair meds for the past month. The bottle of pills is sitting in my car. Completely forgot about them, most likely all my issues have to do with forgetting to take the little pink pill. Hopefully this hack will go away before the weekend. I wouldn't mind trying my hand at actually finishing an entire cx race down at Chatfield State Park. I'm not planning on racing sunday, even though there is one, and quite a few more coming up after that.
The plan for Sunday is to go out and do a nice long easy z2 ride in the hills, mix a good ride with some sightseeing. That sounds like some good fun!
Monday, November 03, 2008
Boulder Cup Weekend
This past weekend was the Boulder Cup weekend here in Colorado. I decided I was going to go out and try my hand at racing with the big guns. Nothing like lining up in UCI C2 and C1 races, with very little form, and not really any time on the cross bike. Needless to say it wasn't my best weekend.
At the Resevoir on Saturday, I managed all of a few hundred meters before my race was over. I double flatted almost instantly. I probably could've gotten a wheel swap from Mavic Support, but wasn't really worth it. When I got home, I managed to pull 11 goatheads out of the front tire and 4 out of the rear. Needles to say (pun intended!), I put some slime filled tubes in my cross bike for the rest of the season.
Sunday's race, at least I did manage a few laps! I was feeling pretty good pre-riding the course and liked the layout and flow overall. I managed to get there early enough to get a good warm-up and even catch a little bit of the women's race.
We were called up by our numbers for the Sunday race and I got a pretty good starting position, I held my own through the start and up the first set of barriers in the "Beer Garden", but after that things kinda went downhill.
The massive amounts of dust kicked around and the high intensity pretty much shut my lungs right down. 3/4 of way through the first lap and my engine was blown. I was having a hell of a time getting oxygen into my system and just trying to get around the course. The bonus was, I had no problems riding the sand pits each lap, they were kinda fun. I had to completely shut it down and pulled out after 3 laps. I headed over to medical as I forgot my inhaler, they didn't have anything, I was coughing so hard that I ended up throwing up a few times.
I coughed a bit last night, but the major issue has been sneezing. I can't stop, must've gotten some dust into my sinuses. I swear I've sneezed over 1,000 times since the race. I'm still sneezing this morning. Just want to it to stop!!
I'm off to the first "official" day at the FasCat Headquarters!