Friday, September 05, 2008

Lizzy is gonna be alright!

So a few weeks ago Lizzy hit a car. Yes, she hit the car not the other way around. I was prepping my bike and getting set up to head out for a race the next day and ended up taking her to the vet. Well after a bit, she started hurting pretty good and I took her back a week or so later for x-rays. Come to find out she broke her pelvis in a few places. Today I had to take her to the vet surgeon for pre-op review. The surgeon thought that she really wouldn't need surgery and would be ok in the long run!! Woohoo! Needless to say, her and I are pretty happy!

Tonight will be some prep work. I plan on heading down to the Liberty Mtn. Classic in Northern PA. Have not ever been to this race, so I figured I would throw down and see if I still have anything after SM 100.

Sunday is the Humbler!! Gonna be a bright and early morning, then 100 miles of awesome trail riding in Naples!! I'll bring the camera for sure. Hopefully the rain holds off this year and we get a good day and a good number of riders. Hope to see you there!

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