Monday, October 02, 2006


Yup, 37-6; Total domination of Seattle. My Bears are just rolling. NHL starts up wednesday, Let's go Sabres! (FWIW the new uni's suck!)

Oh, you want to read about me and bike stuff; Well, I'm planning out the 2007 season and its more of the same. 24 hour races, marathons, NYSERS. I'm refocusing and re-motivating myself for next season. On paper, this year looked good. But personally and physically it was the worst of the past few. I'm over it now, getting energized and ready to rock for 2007.

I've got the Horrible Hundred coming up in a few weeks, but I haven't ridden in a bit. Gonna try to scoot out for a few hours tonight, but my right knees is painful right now. All came from the Highlander event last month. Pedaling even lightly I can feel it ready to pop. Hell just being still in my chair I can feel it's probably not right

Ah well time to get back to work....

Listening to ''it's not your fault'', by New Found Glory


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