Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Big News Announcement!!!!!!!!!!

Remember my post from a few days ago? Well I can officially reveal the big news!!


Myself, along with Mark Hartman and his wife Suzanne, are now part of the Gary Fisher 29er Crew!!!

Super pumped to be rocking a Fisher 29er again for the 2008 season!! Which bike will I be pimping?? Right now I'm leaning towards a Superfly, but could be swayed to roll on a Hi-Fi, time (and availability) will tell.


I did manage to get out yesterday for a quick road ride. I put in just over an hour during my lunch break. Quick but intense ride with some short but hard Vo2 max efforts. I can tell I worked hard the past few days, because I'm eating everything in sight. Of course, I'll use today as a rest day and it's 45 or so out, but I'd rather be cold and dry then wet and slightly warm anytime.

Currently playing in iTunes: Return The Favour by The Hives

Monday, January 28, 2008

Full Weekend

Managed to put in some decent time this weekend. Not as much as I would've liked, but I'll take anything right now as the temps are getting slightly better.

Saturday I took Lizzy out and headed over to Dryer Rd. Put in just over 2 hours in the snow and dirt. There was a light covering of snow on the ground making it a bit sketchy in a few parts, but there had been a few riders out and after some laps I had it packed in real nice. It was fun to get out there and just hammer a bit. I went out and just pushed it as hard as I could for 2 full hours and was pretty whipped by the end.

Sunday, was nice enough to get out and hit the roads. Light winds out of the south and low 30 degree temps and clear roads means pull out the road bike. It was a nice ride on a lightly rolling route. I was having fun and staying warm but around the 2:15 mark or so I flatted after a good stint on some back dirt/stone roads. I changed the flat with my 4inch mini pump (aka 400 strokes), but by the time I got back going again the gloves were cold and wet from sweating so I just finished my ride up and headed back home. I kept it mostly light tempo, with a few efforts here and there. I'm feeling really good putting in the hours and laying down the tempo, I just lack my climbing legs. They will come in due time though as I usually purposefully hold myself back on the climbs this time of the year. Mid to late next month I'll start adding some longer climbs to bring up the intensity. I'll add a few race efforts at the Giro's in the spring for sure.

Today, I'm gonna sneak out of work here in a few hours and see if I can't "raise the roof" with a few vo2 max efforts, and test how the legs are after 2 days of good rides.

This video is great! Found it over on Drunk Cyclist

Monday, January 21, 2008

Another Cold Day this time at the Hollow

Yesterday was cold; 10 degrees F and 30 mph winds. Headed down to the Hollow to hit the trails, managed around 2 hours of ride time. Loads of fun with everyone. All fingers and toes are accounted for.

Loads of pics in the slideshow below:

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Frozen toes

Hit up the Geneva Bicycle Center for the Winter sale this past morning. Picked up a few essential supplies. Usual tubes, lube and food, etc.

After that grabbed lizzy and headed over to Dryer Rd in Victor for some riding on the Supercaliber. Ground was nice and firm as it was brutally cold with a nasty wind. Still some snow out there on the trails, but for the most part was dirt. Managed an hour before I couldn't feel my toes anymore. My core and hands were plenty warm, but the toes just weren't staying nice and toasty.

1_19_08_dryer.jpgErgomo doesn't lie

100_0930.JPGLizzy Surveys the scene

100_0932.JPGClimbing up thru Moon Valley

100_0937.JPG Hope no one was sitting there!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Big news coming soon and Friends

Some Huge News to Announce coming very soon, what will it be??


I figured I'd run a little blog roll of my friends and others I read here and someday when I'm not so lazy I'll add them to my side bar

Mark Hartman

Brandon Furber

Chris Michaels

Matt Spak

Andrew Brautigam

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Last of the decent weather days

Got out for plenty of ride time this past weekend. Weather was fairly decent here these past two days, so I had to take advantage of it. Unfortunately, it's not sticking around and snow and colder temps are due to return. Maybe I'll pull out the mountain bike if the trails freeze up.

Yesterday, I put in a few hours. I rode the same route as this past tuesday. I was quite amazed at the power file after I reviewed them both. Time, TSS, and avg power were nearly identical, the major difference was that my hr was quite a bit lower than the Tuesday ride. I was pretty psyched about that as lower hr over the same power is a good indicator of improvement in fitness.

Today I headed south down to Penn Yan get some rolling hills in. Ended up with just over 4 hours total time. I'm not climbing as I'd like to yet, but there plenty of room for improvement. On my way home I noticed that my front tire was getting soft, I pulled out my spare and realized it was no good, doh! I emptied my co2 into the slow leaking tube and it held up.

Good news is I put a pretty good bump in my CTL this week!

Currently playing in iTunes: Intervention by The Arcade Fire

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Early Morning Ride

Another Beautiful day yesterday. Meant another opportunity to get out on the road and put some more miles in. Got out early am with Mark and Suzanne, enjoyed the warm weather and a nice sunrise.

Beautiful early morning skies

Sunrise, Sunrise...

Rolling Along enjoying the Winter Warmth

Mark descends Earl's Hill

Monday, January 07, 2008

Rare sighting of cyclist captured!

Ok, so It's been a little bit since I've been on my blog. What can I say, the holidaze were here and basically I was not in a position to type up anything, plus I went to Ohio a few times for work.

But, the weather has broke the past few days and is going to be great here for the next few
Picture 1.png

I got out to glenwood saturday am with lizzy while the ground and trails were still frozen. I didn't feel all that bad, and technically I'm still really strong at that aspect. Yesterday, I hit the road for a few hours.

Today, I sneaked out of work for an extended lunch and put some time in. But don't tell my boss!!

100_0920.JPG Rolling along on the wheelman route

It was crazy warm though and I peeled the layers off as the ride went on


Still some snow out in the country though...

Hoping to get out tomorrow am for a few hours before work

Currently playing in iTunes: Today Is The Day by Apollo Sunshine