Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Ah yes. December; 20 days till xmas. 0% shopping done, haven't even thought about it. Hope all you roadies are going stir crazy on your trainers. 28 degree temps are bliss, means only 1 thing; frozen ground!! Makes riding so much more fun. Hopefully hunting season ends soon so that riding areas open back up. Anyone know when the season for those woodchucks ends??

Got down to the Hollow over the weekend to hit Casey's homegrown. Good Stuff, the trails were a little bit muddy as they started to thaw out during the day. Overall they have a kick ass little riding spot right out their back door. Can't wait to get some more time on them.

After the trail session, we hit some dirt road riding around the hollow for about 1.5 hours. Just tooled around the area, jokingly throwing down and covering attacks on Shultz Hill(sp?). Ran into a few back country folks on our route. It was barely 40 degrees and a bunch of the kids were running around barefoot, wtf??

It was a bit chilly from the wind, and the coffee afterwards was a welcome retreat :)

I have an account on facebook now, anyone else use that?? If so, poke me or whatever its called to link up.

Halo 3 commercial was on MNF lastnight! Anyone catch that? Looks frigging sweet. I'm still awaiting xmas here so I can get some Gears of War action in (hint, hint mom;)

That's enough for now; going night riding tonight. Booyeah!

Listening to ''Lillian'', by (+44)

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