Thursday, June 01, 2006

Finally an update...

Ok, so I've been slacking but I have been super-freakin busy. I'll go right down the list

Moved out from Apartment
We are one step closer to moving to Boulder. Finally out of the Fascist Villas of Victor. That place was a real treat, they had a rule for everything and some of the dumbest broads running the place. Right now we are chilling at my fathers place back in my old hometown of Waterloo.

Rain Ride Monday
I rode super early monday am; got caught in a massive thunderstorm at 6:30am. It was crazy how hard it was raining. Thunder and lightning , and all that. I had to toss the towel in after about 1:30 into my supposed 6 hour ride and bail. It was crazy cold and I was scared I might actually get hit by a lightning bolt.

Wed Ride
Death march with Casey and the Sunshine Band
I met Casey, Matt and Jeremy at Cutler yesterday. Almost missed them as I descended opposite of what they were climbing. We hooked up and raced thru cutler. Matt wrecked hard at Cutler and messed up his wrist and his crossmax, I've never seen one of those that f'ed up . Luckily he has insurance on those. Matt and Jeremey split after Cutler and Casey and I were on our own. We hit the Nature Preserve, then grabbed some food then headed up Parish hill. I hit the hill pretty hard in the beginning and succumbed to the heat halfway. It was brutally hot, Casey gave in a little earlier but he had been out 2 hours longer also. I haven't been that hot in a long time. I like hot but damn that was tough. We came down the DEC and called it a day.

Highland Hex
Time to really kick off the season with a nice 6 hour marathon thru the woods in Fabius. Looking forward to this race for some time. Finished 2nd there overall last year to ol Ernie Marenchin. 20 minutes he beat me by, now he's a runner up at least years 24 hour worlds. We will see if I got anything come this saturday

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