Thursday, January 18, 2007

Links fixed

I've fixed the links to the right for the guestbook and the forums. They was working on my computer but no one elses?? Also you don't need to go through the whole approval process to be a forum member you can just post as a "guest" if you want.

Looks like today will be a little bit warmer, but still gonna be stuck under this weather for a while. Guess I'll stick to watching some movies on the laptop while I hit the trainer. Seems to pass the time pretty quickly.

Cycleforhope Update: Check the comments in the post below! I'm rolling in the pledges! Keep up the support! As the date gets closer I'll put up a full post of all the supporters.

I'm all confused about this weekend. Seems a big ride is going down in the hollow; "psychocross" Tons of dirt road climbs and descents; a big ride we did last year in January that did in the majority of us. What's the hard part?; The Bears are playing in the NFC championship at 2pm!! Oh the humanity! How can I miss that? I'm not sure if there will be a next time, and no tivo for me, I wanna see it live baby! Guess I'll just have to put the hours in early...

Oh by the way; a work in progress is my Brother's wedding site: Check it out!


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