Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Beginnings

Well finally the Holidaze are over. Man it seems like this past week was hell. I barely got any training in, but worked it in to be a rest week as I knew it was gonna happen. Christmas was good, but glad its done and over with. New Years was a blast, and the whole reason that I had a rough week was because we were working on getting our place ready for our New Years Party.

The party was a blast, the crew from the hollow came up along with a bunch of Erin's friends and her family. Needless to say we shot alot of darts, and drank alot of beer. I think I went to bed sometime around 4am (and awoke at 5pm the next day!)? I maybe played some xbox with casey, but can't really remember but did see the controllers out. I was pretty tuned up for the party. Thankfully its all out of my system now and time to get some real focus in for this season. Weather is still holding out great and will be in the 50's the next few days so some Dryer rd action and some good long rides on the weekends are about to go down.

I was back in the gym tonight, feeling good and the ride to/from under the full moon was incredible. If it wasn't for my ravaging hunger pangs I might have stayed out and grabbed some more time, but I didnt have any food on me. Probably could've grabbed something quick and then went back out, but the smell of vegetarian chili and some fresh bread kept me inside...


Listening to ''Wolf Like Me'', by TV On The Radio

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