Monday, August 15, 2005


I arrived home after 5 days in the Catskills only to head up north 2 days later to cover for my brother as he watched some guy who could never win a super bowl in his life even if he could’ve had ricky Williams, get inducted into the Hall of Fame.

It was nice and as I was doing some prep work for the upcoming norba events, I was able to do a mini training camp. One would think that being in the mountains you would always be riding uphill, but it wasn’t so. The roads were generally flat with a few rollers. They must have tons of money to spend as every road was just about freshly paved. It was nice to be on new roads, see new sights and smells and not have to worry about anything except riding my bike and getting to work the next morning. On Friday I went down to Lake Placid and climbed Whiteface mountain. The road is closed t vehicle traffic after 5pm, so I headed up. 8 miles from the town to the top, rising 3700’ or so. It was intense but my first summit I took it fairly easy. It was eerily spooky as there was no traffic, birds or sounds. Nature in its purest sense. You could use both sides of the road ala ‘tour’ style of climbing and descending. This wasn’t no easy descending though as the road was really choppy and wavy similar to the Fitchburg descent. It was pretty harry leaning thru a turn at 75kph and your tires are not touching the ground for a moment or so. I went back to the climb on Sunday to giver my all. I didn’t feel that great after so much riding so I charged hard but sat at/below threshold for a 54-55 minute summit. The record is around 45 minutes or so. Loose the power-tap and some rest and I could be around 47 I would think?

It wasn’t all fun and games though. As everyday was work at 6, done by 4 on the bike by 4:30-dark, eat and repeat. I was pretty happy to be done, but I got a ton of fitness as it was just what the fascat doctor ordered up for me.

Farmall xc;
Was I still tired from my mini training camp? That would be the key question. I decided to get in a nice long warm-up and ride my mt. bike over to the course and home afterwards. It was about a half hour to get there, but I took another nice hour to keep the blood flowing and my legs open, after a free red-bull I was ready to rip. I was motivated as the family was there and my babe showed up with the doggy to give some more support. Hell even my brother was there, even though he still had tears in his eyes from his beloved dolphins taking a beating by my bears!! I unleashed a hell of a ride and took about 3 minutes off my previous course record. Setting a new record of 1:02:18. Someday I will go back there and break the hour barrier..someday.

My next event is the NORBA Marathon and xc down in Snowshoe, WV. I am super-excited to go as my grams is going with me. It will be here first real vacation in a long time. She is really excited also. But what I am excited about is the fact that I will be in a hotel there and also at mt. snow. No more tent camping for me. Last year at wv, I spent the whole of every day sitting in the car with my cousin brie ann cause it was pouring rain and our tents were floating. What made it even funnier was that she had a kids tent to sleep I and couldn’t stretch her legs out the whole way! Hell I even have laundry so no more hosing down the jersey as my wash or jumping the fence to the hotel for a shower. It’s going to be a good weekend. I can feel it!!

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